Living costs – Master of Automotive Engineering
studies in Czech republic
ENSTA Bretagne in France
studies on HAN in the Netherlands
TU Chemnitz in Germany
Cost estimation during the first year of studies in Czech republic
CTU in Prague
The prices are in Czech Crowns (CZK).
1 Euro approximately equals 26 CZK.
Study materials
The printouts of lectures are freely distributed. The study books are available in the library. Some of the books are recommended to buy. The price is approximately: 7000 CZK.
Living costs
The dormitory costs approx. from 120 till 320 Czech Crowns (CZK) per night (depending on student demands and available rooms). The warm meal in university student canteen costs approx. 50 CZK. The card for Prague transport costs approx. 6100 CZK for the whole stay in Prague.
Health insurance
Best solution is probably to pay the health insurance directly in Czech Republic. The price is approx. 5000 CZK (basic insurance covering injuries only) and 12 000 CZK (insurance covering also the standard doctor visits) per year for students between 18 till 26 years. Every visit by the doctor costs 30 CZK (for any type of insurance), each day in hospital costs 90 CZK. Medicine is only partly covered by insurance (depends on medicine).
Prices of food products
Bread | 25 CZK |
Butter | 40 CZK |
1 Egg | 5 CZK |
100 g Cheese | 25 CZK |
1 kg Potato | 15 CZK |
1 kg Tomato | 30 to 70 CZK (depending on the season) |
Cost estimation during the second year of studies on ENSTA Bretagne in France
ENSTA Bretagne
Study materials
The printouts of lectures are freely distributed. The study books are available in the library. No books to buy.
Living costs
The dormitory costs approx. 270€ per month with the breakfast but every student can have a help of approx.90€ per month from the French government The warm meal in university student canteen costs approx. 2.7€. The card for Brest transport costs approx. 30€ per month
Health insurance
The health insurance is 195€ per year Every visit by the doctor costs 22€ but the health insurance refund 21€.
Cost estimation during the second year of studies on HAN in the Netherlands
HAN (Arnhem, The Netherlands)
Study materials
The printouts of lectures are freely distributed. The price estimation for books which are necessary to buy: 500€.
Living costs
The dormitory costs approx. 3400€ for the whole year. The estimation of living costs in the Netherlands for the whole year is 3600€.
Health insurance
The health insurance is 500€ per year.
Cost estimation for one year of studies at TU Chemnitz in Germany
TU Chemnitz Germany
Study materials
The printouts of lectures are freely distributed. Most of the necessary books can be found in the university library.
Living costs
The prices of the dormitory vary depending on the building from 180 € to 250 € per month. A warm meal in the university canteen costs – depending on the chosen meal –1.40 € for the cheapest up to 2.20 € for the most expensive meal. Students pay 240 € per semester for free transport within Chemnitz and several trains within Saxony as well as for the Studentenwerk and the multi-functional student ID card (functions include identification, borrowing books in the library, printing, and paying for meals in the canteen).
Health insurance
The health insurance costs about 78 € per month.
Prices of food products
Bread | 2 € |
Butter | 1-2.50 € |
1 Egg | 0.09-0.20 € |
1 kg apples | 2 € |
1 kg potatoes | 1 € |
1 l milk | 0.9 € |
1 bottle min. water | (0.75 l) 0.80 € |
1 cup of coffee (in a café) | 2.50 € |
1 beer (in a bar) | 3 € |
1 pizza in a restaurant | 4 - 9 € |
In Prague, March 2014 | Gabriela Achtenová EMAE Coordinator |

Graduation ceremony - March 202301/20/2020
State exams - February 202005/17/2019
Picnic at CTU in Prague the 28th May 2019CTU
Czech Technical University in Prague
Technicka 4
16607 Prague 6
Czech republic
+420 224 352 499
+420 224 352 500

ITB – Institut Teknologi Bandung
Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Jl. Ganesa 10
40132 Bandung

TU Chemnitz
Technische Universität Chemnitz Fakultät für Maschinenbau
Reichenhainerstr. 70, A016
D-09126 Chemnitz
Deutschland (Germany)
+49 371 531 31079
+49 371 531 831079

HAN – Hogeschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen
Institut of Automotive Engineering and Management
Ruitenberglaan 29
NL-6802 CC Arnhem
The Netherlands
+31 (0)6 55 20 88 19
+31 (0)26 365 82 15

ENSTA Bretagne
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées Bretagne
2, rue Francois Verny
F-29806 Brest Cedex 9
+33 (0)2 98 34 89 11
+33 (0)2 98 34 88 00

CTU in Prague
Coordinator of MAE
Gabriela Achtenová
IT Bandung | Head of Mechanical
Design Research Group
Andi Isra Mahyuddin
TU Chemnitz
Coordinator of MAE
Diana Lohse
HAN in Arnhem
Masters program manager
Kea Bouwman
ENSTA Bretagne
Coordinator of MAE
Yann Marco